In part one I promised to address the lack of evidence of the remains of 1.7 million allegedly murdered Jews. But first, for the sake of completeness I must address the following section from Holocaust Denial on Trial’s (HDoT) article.
HDoT once again drags out their strawman, “Holocaust denier Carlo Mattogno argues that that since 101 German and Czech Jewish men survived a transport to Sobibor on May 9, 1942, this must mean that it was not a death camp but a transit camp.” I have already covered in part one how this is a lie and misrepresentation of Mattogno. This section really doesn’t matter as all it is doing is refuting their own strawman. No one is disputing that Jews were used for labor at the camp. This section offers no evidence for the claim that 1.7 million Jews were murdered upon arrival to the Reinhard camps.
The next section should need no refutation because the arguments are so weak. However there are people that are unable to think logically on this subject because they are under the spell of Holocaust indoctrination. For their sake I shall lay out the arguments. It is vital that you read the following paragraph from HDoT, I’ll wait.

HDoT brings up a survey of Belzec done by Andrzej Kola, then they immediately deflects to some story about the lid of a cigarette case that was found. We are supposed to believe that the only conclusion to a guy losing a piece of personal property is that he was murdered. Not only is this cigarette case lid evidence that one guy was murdered, but 450,000 other Jews as well.
What HDoT deflected from was whether Kola found any evidence of 450,000 cremated bodies, which he did not. I have previously covered HDoT’s presentation of Kola’s survey on Belzec which you can find here. I have done the same for the surveys of Treblinka and Sobibor. They were all inconclusive!
HDoT has provided no evidence that 1.7 million Jews were murdered immediately upon arrival at Sobibor, Belzec and Treblinka. Saying it twice doesn’t make your assertion any more correct.
I have to say that this is the weakest ‘Holocaust denial debunking’ that I have seen from HDoT so far. HDoT is a project of Deborah Lipstadt and Emory University. A big shot Jew and a prestigious academic institution. If the Holocaust is so real and indisputable why can a middle aged housewife, who never went to college, easily destroy their attempts to discredit Holocaust revisionism? If you are a person under the spell of Holocaust indoctrination hopefully reading this will help clear up the fog in your mind.